We’re deep in one of the most hectic times of the year—made even more challenging for many by the stresses of midlife. If you're between 40 and 65, you might be dealing with work stress, trying to manage your household, and helping aging parents, all while feeling your hormones start to wreak havoc. Did you know that as we age, our ovaries (if we still have them) significantly reduce the production of estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone? In fact, at the very age when stress peaks, our adrenal glands—responsible for producing stress-managing hormones like cortisol and DHEA—must also take on the extra job of compensating for declining sex hormone levels.
It can feel like Mother Nature has stacked the deck against us, placing extra demands on our adrenal glands at the very time they’re most needed.
But what does this have to do with your weight? Let's think about what happens when our stress hormone cortisol gets a spike. You know that jolt you feel when you narrowly avoid a car accident? That jolt is your body jumping into fight-or-flight. You quickly get a cortisol spike, which mobilizes blood sugar so that you can react immediately. And while our daily stresses don't feel as intense as that, they are going on all day:
Stressful news headline— blood sugar spike
Yelling at the kids— spike
Forgetting a bill— spike
Run a red light— spike
Tough workout— spike
Argue with your spouse— boom!
You get the point. Unless you are doing breathing exercises throughout the day like a Zen master, you can see how these little cortisol and, thus, blood sugar spikes are likely happening all day long. And how often do we say, ‘I need that latte,’ or, ‘I’ve earned this burrito’ after a stressful day? So not only is the stress causing us to want to eat more, but we are also adding insult to injury by choosing foods that will further spike our blood sugar (and insulin, mind you). And we all know what happens when that blood sugar finally crashes back down: the cravings set in!
"But I'm working out every day and eating less! This doesn't apply to me."
Actually, yes—it likely does. Here is the scenario I have heard from, well, I could exaggerate, but let's just say EVERY woman over the age of 40:
"I have stopped eating sugar and get tons of veggies in. I am working out 6 days a week as hard as I can. On the weekends, I also go for a long swim or hike. I swear I'm eating way less than ever. I try to sleep six hours at night, but it's not easy. I have gained at least 10 pounds."
Sound familiar? Many of us fall into a similar pattern. But doing the same thing, only more intensely, will not yield a better result. This approach, while well-meaning, sends the wrong signals to your body: times are tough, food is scarce, and fat needs to be stored—not burned.

We have to tell ourselves, no- SHOW ourselves, that life is good; we are safe; yes, it is okay to burn off my belly and bum fat for energy.
How do you do this? It's actually not complicated, but it does take some concerted effort.
Put rest days between your workouts. Schedule at least one rest day between intense workouts to allow your muscles to recover fully. You will be stunned at how quickly you see the fruits of your labor!
Sleep. If you’re running on 6 hours, you’re running on empty. Sleep is when your body repairs and recharges. Prioritize rest just like you would any other key habit. Yes, I realize that stress and flagging sex hormones may be why your sleep is suffering, but we can work on that (see below).
Don't count calories; count protein! Aim for at least 30 grams of protein within an hour of waking, and don’t let a meal pass without a solid source of protein. It’s critical to better muscle tone, sustained energy, and sharper thinking.
Breathe. Try the 15-second breath, box-breathing, or any other breathing variation you may favor whenever you feel your shoulders floating up to your ears. Taking even 2 minutes to recenter yourself and bring that cortisol/blood sugar/insulin down can make a huge difference in your health and state of mind.
This is precisely why I came up with the Hormone Harmony Package —a simple, cost-effective way to investigate your stress hormones and uncover how your estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and detox pathways are (or aren’t) working together. Ready to balance your hormones and reclaim your energy this winter?
Discover how the Hormone Harmony Package can jump-start your wellness journey this winter—click here to learn more or schedule a complimentary discovery call today.
Let’s tackle those wellness plateaus together—I can’t wait to help you thrive!
Yours in health,
DD Forrest